Democratic Politics

Chapter : 2. Political Parties

National Political Parties

National Political Parties
There are some country wide parties, which are called ‘national parties’. These parties have their units in various states. But by and large all these units follows the same policies, programmes and strategy that is decided at the national level.
Every party in the country has to register with Election Commission. While the Commission treats all parties equally, it offers some special facilities to large and established parties. These parties are given a unique symbol; only the official candidates of that party that get this privilege and some other special facilities are ‘recognised’ by the Election Commission for this purpose. That is why these parties are called recognised political parties. The Election Commission of the proportion of votes and seats that a party must get in order to be a recognised party. A party secures at least 6 per cent of the total votes in an election to the Legislative Assembly of State and wins at least two seats is recognized as State party. A party that secures at least 6 per cent total votes in Lok Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four states and wins at least four seats in the Lok Sabha is recognized as a National Party.
According to this classification, there were six national recognised parties in the country in 2006. Let us learn something about each of these parties.

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