Number System
Physical Quantities
Order of Magnitudes
Fractional and Percentage Errors
Representation of Vector
Vector Addition
Subtraction of Vectors
Resolution of Vectors
Multiplication of Two Vectors
Lami's Theorem
Co-ordinate Geometry
Comperative Study of Distance & Displacement
Comparative Study of Instantaneous Speed and Instantaneous Velocity
Comparative Study Of Average Speed & Average Velocity
Motion With Uniform Acceleration
Motion Under Gravity
Relative – Velocity
Points to Remember - Motion in One Dimension
Herons Formula
Projectile Thrown From The Ground Level
Horizontal Projection
Points to Remember - Projectile Motion
Introduction to Euclid's Geometry
1. First Law Of Motion
2. Second Law Of Motion
3. Third Law Of Motion
4. Reference Frames
5. Motion in a lift
6. Motion of a Block on a Horizontal Smooth Surface
7. Motion of connected Bodies
8. Motion of bodies in contact
9. Motion of a body on a smooth inclined plane
10. Motion of two bodies connected by a string
11. Friction and frictional force
12. Graphical representation of friction
13. Types of frictional force and their definition
14. Angle of Friction
15. Minimum force Required to move a block
Points to Remember - Newton's Laws Of Motion & Friction
Lines and Angles
1. Angular Displacement
2. Angular Velocity
3. Relation Between Linear Velocity And Angular Velocity
4. Angular Acceleration
5. Relation Between Angular acceleration and Linear Acceleration
6. Equation of linear motion and rotational motion
7. Centripetal Acceleration and centripetal Force
8. Type of Circular Motion
9. Banking of Tracks
10. Moment of Inertia (Rotational inertia)
Formulae For The Moment of Inertia of Regular Bodies
Formulae For The Moment of Inertia of Regular Bodies
11. Torque
12. Forces Couple
13. Angular Momentum
14. Kinetic Energy of Rotation
15. linear and rolling motion of a body on inclined plane
16. Points to Remember - Circular Motion & Rotational Dynamics
Linear equation in two variables
Acceleration due to gravity
Gravitational Field And Gravitational Field Intensity
Gravitational Potential
Gravitational Potential Energy
Geo Stationary Satellite
Escape Velocity
Kepler Laws
The relation between the mass of earth, comparison of messes of two planets and value of a gravity calculation of satellite with different formulas are used.