MCQ's on Software Engineering

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MCQ 1:
What are the characteristics of software?

MCQ 2:
Compilers, Editors software come under which type of software?

MCQ 3:
RAD stands for

MCQ 4:
The statement "Software Engineering is defined as systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach for the development, operation and maintenance of software." is true or false.

MCQ 5:
RAD Model has

MCQ 6:
Software project management comprises of a number of activities, which contains ________________ .

MCQ 7:
The waterfall model of software development is

MCQ 8:
Which of the following is not defined in a good Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document?

MCQ 9:
Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change?

MCQ 10:
What is the simplest model of software development paradigm?

MCQ 11:
Software consists of ________________ .

MCQ 12:
Which is the most important feature of spiral model?

MCQ 13:
If every requirement stated in the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) has only one interpretation, SRS is said to be correct ________________ .

MCQ 14:
Which is not a step of Requirement Engineering?

MCQ 15:
Which one of the following is not a phase of Prototyping Model?

MCQ 16:
What is the major drawback of using RAD Model?

MCQ 17:
In which step of SDLC project termination could be done.

MCQ 18:
The first step in software delevopment life cycle (SDLC) is ________________.

MCQ 19:
System analysis and design phase of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) includes which of the following ?

MCQ 20:
Which one is not considered during Technical Feasibility?

MCQ 21:
Which of the following life cycle model cannot be choosen if the development team has less experience on similar projects.

MCQ 22:
Which two of the following models will not be able to give the desired outcome if user's participation is not involved.

MCQ 23:
The detailed study of existing system is referred to as

MCQ 24:
Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?

MCQ 25:
Risk analysis of a project is done in

MCQ 26:
Which one is the best combination of a good coded program.

MCQ 27:
In an ER Diagram, noun is treated as

MCQ 28:
Requiremets to develop a software

MCQ 29:
The basic tool used in structured design is

MCQ 30:
In prepration of a software, data flow diagram is used for

MCQ 31:
An ER Diagram represents

MCQ 32:
Entities, attributes and relationships are associated with

MCQ 33:
Which of the following defines the rules of DFD

MCQ 34:
Which one of the following is not related to DFD

MCQ 35:
RAD Software process model stands for ________________ .

MCQ 36:
A black box concept is based on the assumptions that

MCQ 37:
The type of software testing in which each module is tested along in an attempt to discover any errors in its code, is known as

MCQ 38:
Prototyping aims at

MCQ 39:
The term used to refer to the checking of outputs of a computer with the corresponding documents is called ________________ .

MCQ 40:
A step by step instruction used to solve a problem is known as ________________.

MCQ 41:
Testing can be applied to

MCQ 42:
Which testing is perform by user.

MCQ 43:
What is a prototype ?

MCQ 44:
White box testing can be started

MCQ 45:
What is the difference between testing and debugging

MCQ 46:
Which of the following property does not correspond to a good SRS (Software Requirement Specification) ?

MCQ 47:
The database design activity deals with the design of the

MCQ 48:
Software Maintenance includes

MCQ 49:
A Zero Level DFD Describes

MCQ 50:
The output of the system design is representaed by

MCQ 51:
Which of the following does not apply to agility to a software process?

MCQ 52:
________________ test is not included in unit testing.

MCQ 53:
Identidy the disadvantages of the Spiral Model.

MCQ 54:
The ________________ enables the software engineer to develop models of the information domain and functional domain at the same time.

MCQ 55:
ER Diagram is related with

MCQ 56:
The ________________ contains a state transition diagram that is a sequential specification of behavior.

MCQ 57:
A data condition occurs whenever a data is passed to an input element followed by a processing element and the result in control output.

MCQ 58:
A ________________ is a graphical representation that depicts information flow and the transforms that are applied as data moves from input to output.

MCQ 59:
The ________________ of a relationship is 0 if there is no explicit need for the relationship to occur or the relationship is optional.

MCQ 60:
Which one is not the part of SDLC process?

MCQ 61:
An iterative process of system development in which requirements are converted to a working system that is contineously revised through close work between an analyst and user is called ________________ .

MCQ 62:
The fundamental objective of system analysis is to

MCQ 63:
The ______________ defines the properties of a data object and take on one of the three different characteristics.

MCQ 64:
What is Integration Testing?

MCQ 65:
_________________ are the Testers of Unit Testing?

MCQ 66:
_________________ are the Testers of System Testing?

MCQ 67:
Which Test Document describes the Exit Criteria of Testing?

MCQ 68:
_________________ is not a Software Development Life Cycle Phase?

MCQ 69:
_________________ is not a Software Test Life Cycle Phase?

MCQ 70:
_________________ is not a Test Level?

MCQ 71:
_________________ is not a Test Type?

MCQ 72:
_________________ is not a Test Document?

MCQ 73:
What is Sanity Testing?

MCQ 74:
What is Decision Testing?

MCQ 75:
What is Functional Testing?

MCQ 76:
SDLC stands for

MCQ 77:
What are the Testing Levels?

MCQ 78:
It measures the quality of processes used to create a quality product. It is a system of management activities, It is a preventive process, It applies for entire life cycle & Deals with Process.

MCQ 79:
The incremental Model of software model is

MCQ 80:
White box testing is not called as ________________ .

MCQ 81:
Running the system under a live environment using Live data in order to find errors is known as ________________ .

MCQ 82:
Testing of software with actual data and in actual environment is called ________________ .

MCQ 83:
The testing of software against SRS is called ________________ .

MCQ 84:
The approach to software testing is to design test cases to

MCQ 85:
The testing which is done by going thro' the code is known as ________________ .

MCQ 86:
Black refers in the Black-box testing means

MCQ 87:
Software testing which is done without planning and Documentation is known as ________________ .

MCQ 88:
Acceptance testing is also known as ________________ .

MCQ 89:
Software Testing is a process of evaluating a system by manual or automatic means and verify that it satisfies specified requirements or identity differences between expected and actual results.

MCQ 90:
What is correct steps of Software Process Cycle?

MCQ 91:
Beta testing will be done by

MCQ 92:
Test cases are designed during

MCQ 93:
Independent Verification & Validation is

MCQ 94:
Verification is

MCQ 95:
Unit Testing will be done by

MCQ 96:
Which of the following is/are not a verification activity?

MCQ 97:
Which of the following is/are a phases of SDLC?

MCQ 98:
Which is not true regarding Spiral Model?

MCQ 99:
Testing approach changes is based on the life cycle applied for development of a software.

MCQ 100:
Abbreviate the term SDLC?

MCQ 101:
Which of the following is used in high level of testing?

MCQ 102:
________________ is to organize the overall DFD in a series of levels so that each level provides successively more detail about a portion of the level above it.

MCQ 103:
A ________________ is represented graphically by an arrow into or out of a process.

MCQ 104:
Context Diagram defines the scope of the system by identifying the system boundary.

MCQ 105:
What do the circles on a data flow diagram represent?

MCQ 106:
In a DFD external entities are represented by a

MCQ 107:
A rectangle in a DFD represents ________________ .

MCQ 108:
By an external entity we mean a ________________ .

MCQ 109:
A data store in a DFD represents ________________ .

MCQ 110:
Data cannot flow between two data stores because

MCQ 111:
What is levelling a DFD means.

MCQ 112:
A DFD is normally levelled as

MCQ 113:
Before developing a logical DFD it is a good idea to

MCQ 114:
When a process is expanded during levelling

MCQ 115:
A physical DFD ________________ .

MCQ 116:
A context diagram ________________ .

MCQ 117:
A data flow can ________________ .

MCQ 118:
Data cannot flow from an external entity to an external entity because

MCQ 119:
What is the meaning of a word "CASE" means in the statement "Using CASE TOOLS".

MCQ 120:
Which one of the following is a functional requirement.

MCQ 121:
________________ and ________________ are not the subject matter of Requirement Analysis.

MCQ 122:
Which of the following is not the part of SRS (Software Requirement Specification).

MCQ 123:
Software testing with real data in real environment is known as ________________ .

MCQ 124:
In size oriented metrics, metrics are developed based on the ________________ .

MCQ 125:
Which of the following does not affect the software quality and organizational performance?

MCQ 126:
The intent of project metrics is a

MCQ 127:
How is Incremental Model different from Spiral Model?

MCQ 128:
If you were to create client/server applications, which model would you go for?

MCQ 129:
The spiral model has two dimensions namely ________________ and ________________ .

MCQ 130:
Which one of the following is not an Evolutionary Process Model?

MCQ 131:
The Incremental Model is a result of combination of elements of which two models?

MCQ 132:
Choose the correct option from given below

MCQ 133:
How many feasibility studies is conducted in Requirement Analysis ?

MCQ 134:
Which of the following is not a diagram studied in Requirement Analysis ?

MCQ 135:
Spiral model was developed by ________________ .

MCQ 136:
The Software evolution does not comprises ________________ .

MCQ 137:
Processes for evolving a software product depend on

MCQ 138:
Find out which phase is not available in SDLC?

MCQ 139:
Choose the incorrect statement with respect to Non-Functional Requirement.

MCQ 140:
Which of the following is not included in External failure costs?

MCQ 141:
Who identifies, documents, and verifies that corrections have been made to the software?

MCQ 142:
Software quality assurance consists of the auditing and reporting functions of management.

MCQ 143:
The SRS (Software Requirement Specification) is said to be consistent if and only if

MCQ 144:
Which of the following is not included in SRS ?

MCQ 145:
A data model contains

MCQ 146:
A description of each function presented in the DFD is contained in a ________________ .

MCQ 147:
Which SDLC activity does the user initiates the request for a desired software product?

MCQ 148:
A COCOMO model is ________________ .

MCQ 149:
ER model shows the ________________ .

MCQ 150:
Majority of system errors occur in the ________________ phase.

MCQ 151:
Requirement engineering process includes which of these steps?

MCQ 152:
Which of the following is the understanding of software product limitations, learning system related problems or changes to be done in existing systems beforehand, identifying and addressing the impact of project on organization and personnel etc?

MCQ 153:
FAST stands for ________________ .

MCQ 154:
The level at which the software uses scarce resources is ________________ .

MCQ 155:
Modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment is called ________________ .

MCQ 156:
If every requirement can be checked by a cost-effective process, then the SRS is ________________ .

MCQ 157:
Aggregation represents ________________ .

MCQ 158:
If P is risk probability, L is loss, then Risk Exposure (RE) is computed as ________________ .

MCQ 159:
Number of clauses used in ISO 9001 to specify quality system requirements are ________________ .

MCQ 160:
IEEE 830-1993 is a IEEE recommended standard for ________________ .

MCQ 161:
One of the fault base testing techniques is ________________ .

MCQ 162:
If the objects focus on the problem domain, then we are concerned with ________________ .

MCQ 163:
Which of the following is not a part of the Test Implementation and Execution Phase?

MCQ 164:
The Test Cases Derived from use cases ________________ .

MCQ 165:
Which plan describes how the skills and experience of the project team members will be developed ?

MCQ 166:
Alpha and Beta Testing are forms of ________________ .

MCQ 167:
The model in which the requirements are implemented by its category is ________________ .

MCQ 168:
SRD stands for ________________ .

MCQ 169:
The tools that support different stages of software development life cycle are called ________________ .

MCQ 170:
Which defect amplification model is used to illustrate the generation and detection of errors during the preliminary steps of a software engineering process?

MCQ 171:
Which method is used for evaluating the expression that passes the function as an argument?

MCQ 172:
Which factors affect the probable consequences if a risk occur?

MCQ 173:
Staff turnover, poor communication with the customer are risks that are extrapolated from past experience are called ________________ .

MCQ 174:
Organization can have in-house inspection, direct involvement of users and release of beta version are few of them and it also includes usability, compatibility, user acceptance etis called ________________ .

MCQ 175:
Which project is undertaken as a consequence of a specific customer request?

MCQ 176:
Software safety is a quality assurance activity that focuses on hazards that may cause an entire system to fall.

MCQ 177:
Give the disadvantages of modularization.

MCQ 178:
Effective software project management focuses on the four P's. What are those four P's?

MCQ 179:
Give the Real-world factors affecting maintenance cost.

MCQ 180:
Mention any two indirect measures of product.

MCQ 181:
Which testing is the re-execution of some subset of tests that have already been conducted to ensure the changes that are not propagated?

MCQ 182:
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is also known as specification of ________________ .

MCQ 183:
The statement "Software components provide interfaces, which can be used to establish communication among different components." is true or false.

MCQ 184:
In Risk management process what makes a note of all possible risks, that may occur in the project?

MCQ 185:
What is a measure of how well a computer system facilities learning?

MCQ 186:
Who manages the effects of change throughout the software process?

MCQ 187:
When elements of module are grouped together that are executed sequentially in order to perform a task, is called ______ .

MCQ 188:
Abbreviate the term BSS.

MCQ 189:
What is the testing to ensure the WebApp properly interfaces with other applications or databases?

MCQ 190:
Which Variation control in the context of software engineering involves controlling variation?

MCQ 191:
Which classes represent data stores (e.g., a database) that will persist beyond the execution of the software?

MCQ 192:
Abbreviate the term CMMI.

MCQ 193:
First level of prototype is evaluated by ________________ .

MCQ 194:
Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?

MCQ 195:
What is the main aim of Software engineering?

MCQ 196:
Choose the correct option according to the given statement.
Statement 1: Software is a physical rather than a logical system element.
Statement 2: Computer software is the product that software engineers design and build.
Statement 3: Software is a logical rather than a physical system element.
Statement 4: Software is a set of application programs that are built by software engineers.

MCQ 197:
For the best Software model suitable for the project, in which of the phase the developers decide a roadmap for project plan?

MCQ 198:
Which of these software characteristics are used to determine the scope of a software project?

MCQ 199:
Which level of sub-system is used of an application?

MCQ 200:
SDLC is not a well-defined, structured sequence of stages in software engineering to develop the intended software product.

MCQ 201:
In the Empirical Estimation Technique which model is developed by Barry W. Boehm?

MCQ 202:
From the following select the correct option that is used to display the available option for selection.

MCQ 203:
CMM model in Software Engineering is a technique of _________________ .

MCQ 204:
The tools that support different stages of software development life cycle are called as ________________ .

MCQ 205:
Which is not a step of Requirement Engineering?

MCQ 206:
In Software validation, requirements can be checked against following conditions:
1) If they can be practically implemented
2) If they are valid and as per functionality and domain of software
3) If there are any ambiguities
4) If they are completed

MCQ 207:
In OOD, the attributes(data variables) and methods( operation on the data) are bundled together is called ________________ .

MCQ 208:
Which design defines the logical structure of each module and their interfaces that is used to communicate with other modules?

MCQ 209:
Which tools are used in Implementation, Testing and Maintenance?

MCQ 210:
Which tools are used for project planning, cost, effort estimation, project scheduling and resource planning?

MCQ 211:
Which design deals with the implementation part in which it shows a system and its sub-systems in the previous two designs?

MCQ 212:
Cohesion metrics and coupling metrics are metrics in which level of design?

MCQ 213:
Which condition defines the circumstances for a particular operation is valid?

MCQ 214:
Which is not a SQA activity?

MCQ 215:
From the following, which software has been characterized by "Number Crunching" Algorithms?

MCQ 216:
Project risk factor is considered in which model?

MCQ 217:
A Project can be characterized as.

MCQ 218:
CASE tools are set of automated software application programs, that are not used to support, accelerate and smoothen the SDLC activities.

MCQ 219:
Activities and action taken on the data are represented by circle or round-edged rectangles is called ________________ .

MCQ 220:
The six sigma for software engineering what gives the existing process and its output to determine the current quality performance?

MCQ 221:
Which tools are helpful in all the stages of SDLC, for requirement gathering to testing and documentation?

MCQ 222:
SRS document (System requirement specification) is a document created by system analyst after the requirements are collected from various stakeholders.

MCQ 223:
Give the name to diagram that represents the flow of activities described by the use cases and at the same time the captors are involved in UML .

MCQ 224:
Which phase is refers to the support phase of software development?

MCQ 225:
Which model is also called as the classic life cycle or the Waterfall model?

MCQ 226:
Which document is created by system analyst after the requirements are collected from Various stakeholders?

MCQ 227:
Which is focused towards the goal of the organization?

MCQ 228:
The architectural model is derived from which of these sources?
A) Information about the application domain for the software to be built.
B) Specific requirements model elements such as data flow diagrams or analysis classes, their relationships and collaborations for the problem at hand.
C) The availability of architectural styles and patterns.

MCQ 229:
What is the correctness, completeness, and consistency of the requirements model will have a strong influence on the quality of all work products that follow?

MCQ 230:
An entity in ER Model is a real world being, which has some properties.

MCQ 231:
Which documentation works as a key tool for software designer, developer and their test team is to carry out their respective tasks?

MCQ 232:
Which tools are used in implementation,testing and maintenance?

MCQ 233:
Which risk gives the degree of uncertainty and the project schedule will be maintained so that the product will be delivered in time?

MCQ 234:
Configuration management is an essential part of the system maintenance. It is aided with version control tools to control versions, semi-version or patch management.

MCQ 235:
Which model is also known as Verification and validation model?

MCQ 236:
Software project management is the process of managing all activities that are involved in software development, they are ______________ .

MCQ 237:
Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities.

MCQ 238:
The maximum number of objects that can participate in a relationship is called ________________ .

MCQ 239:
Which software is used to control products and systems for the consumer and industrial markets?

MCQ 240:
Which coding element is generally omitted at the end of line?

MCQ 241:
In which elicitation process the developers discuss with the client and end users and know their expectations from the software?

MCQ 242:
If requirements are easily understandable and defined then which model is best suited?

MCQ 243:
Which software-end factors affecting maintenance cost?

MCQ 244:
Which of the following is not a phase in SDLC.

MCQ 245:
Software process and improvement are assessed by ________________.

MCQ 246:
CASE Tool stands for.

MCQ 247:
Software is defined as ________________ .

MCQ 248:
During security testing the tester plays the role of the individual who desires ________________ .

MCQ 249:
Which of the following is not a section in the standard for SQA plans recommended by IEEE?

MCQ 250:
Which box specifies the behavior of a system or a part of a system?

MCQ 251:
FAST stands for ________________ .

MCQ 252:
SDLC Models are adopted as per requirements of development process. It may vary Software-to-software to ensuring which model is suitable.

MCQ 253:
When the customer may ask for new features or functions in the software, what does it mean in Software maintenance?

MCQ 254:
Reliability is measured by considering processing speed, response time, resource consumption, throughput, and efficiency.

MCQ 255:
Abbreviate the term CASE.

MCQ 256:
What is described by means of DFDs as studied earlier and represented in algebraic form?

MCQ 257:
Which metrics are derived by normalizing quality and/or productivity measures by considering the size of the software that has been produced?

MCQ 258:
The spiral model of software development ________________ .

MCQ 259:
Computer software is a complete package, which includes software program, its documentation and user guide on how to use the software.

MCQ 260:
What is Exploratory Testing?

MCQ 261:
Generally which one is the least required skill of a good tester?

MCQ 262:
Regression Testing is a major part of which of the life cycle?

MCQ 263:
When a process is expanded during levelling

MCQ 264:
Which of the following statements about SRS is true
A) SRS is written by customer
B) SRS is written by developer
C) SRS serves as a contract between customer and developer.

MCQ 265:
The attributes that can be arranged into hierarchy are called ______________.

MCQ 266:
The set of all the entities having same attributes is classified as.