MCQ's on HTML Web Development Technology

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Unlimited attempts possible to practice. On each attempts you will get a set of 25 questions.

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MCQ 1:
Which is not the browser?

MCQ 2:
Which is a search engine?

MCQ 3:
Which is the chatting application?

MCQ 4:
Which service provide 3D view of the earth?

MCQ 5:
Which is the threads for clients?

MCQ 6:
Which is not the application of internet?

MCQ 7:
A program that copies itself.

MCQ 8:
TCP/IP is a

MCQ 9:
TCP/IP mainly used for

MCQ 10:
Which is the part of data link layer

MCQ 11:
The domain name separated by?

MCQ 12:
Which is not the search engine?

MCQ 13:
The collection of web pages is called?

MCQ 14:
What is URL?

MCQ 15:
Benefits of internet?

MCQ 16:
Internet is popularly called?

MCQ 17:
Each page on the web has a unique address called?

MCQ 18:
The process of receiving data from the internet is called?

MCQ 19:
You can communicate with one another using?