Democratic Politics

Chapter : 1. Democracy In The Contemporary World

Democracy At The Global Level

There is no denying the fact that democracy is the best form of government and more and more countries are becoming democratic. Now a question generally arises, does an increase in the number of democratic countries all over the world automatically lead to greater democracy at the global level. Some may agree to this view. They even advocate that in order to establish democracy in the non-democratic countries, they i.e., the other democractic countries, should issue sanctions against them. In their view, in certain cases, some powerful countries should combine together and launch an attack on undemocratic countries as was done by USA in Iraq on 14 th March, 2003. Such a thing can be done by the world body i.e., U.N.O.
But most of the authors do not agree with either of the above views due to various reasons :
Should Democracy be Established by External Forces ?
How far is it True that if Every Country becomes Democratic the World would itself become Democratic ?
Reason Out Why ?
(v) Why was an independent trade union so important for Poland ?

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