Democratic Politics

Chapter : 3. Democracy & Diversity

Three Determinants

Three determinants :
Three factors are important in deciding the outcome of politics of social divisions.
1. First of all the outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If people see their identities in singular and exclusive terms, it becomes very difficult to accommodate. It is much easier if the people see that their identities are multiple and are complementary with the national identity. This helps them to stay together. This is how most people in our country see their identity. They think of themselves as Indians as well as belonging to a state or a language group or a social or religious community.
2. Second, it depends on how political leaders raise the demands of any community. It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and are not at the cost of another community.
3. Third, it depends on the how the government reacts to demands of different groups. If the rulers are willing to share power and accommodate the reasonable demands of minority community, social divisions become less threatening for the country.
Thus social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger; In a democracy political expression of social divisions is very normal and can be healthy. Expression of various kinds of social divisions in politics often results in their cancelling one another out and thus reducing their intensity. This leads to strengthening of a democracy.
People who feel marginalised, deprived and discriminated have to fight against the injustices. The struggle against such inequalities sometimes takes the path violence and defiance of state power.

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