Democratic Politics

Chapter : 2. What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

Rule of law and respect for rights

(D) Rule of law and respect for rights :
(i) In Zimbabwe elections are held regularly but are won by only one party i.e. ZANU-PF. The party uses unfair practices in election which are against the principles of democracy
(ii) Over the years President Mugabe has changed the constitution several times to increase the power of the president and make him less accountable
(iii) In a democracy people and opposition can criticize the government but this is not allowed in Zimbabwe.
(iv) The government has ignored some court judgments which is also against the principles of democracy
(v) Television, radio and press are controlled by the government
The example of Zimbabwe shows that popular approval of the rulers is necessary in a democracy but it is not sufficient. Popular governments can be undemocratic. Popular leaders can be autocratic in a democracy, the state should respect some basic rights of the citizen. They should be free to think, to have opinion, to express these in public to form associations to protest and take other political action. Everyone should be equal in the eyes of law. These rights must be protected by an independent judiciary whose orders are obeyed by everyone. A democratic government cannot do whatever it likes simply because it has won an election. It has to respect some basic rules. In particular it has to respect some guarantees to the minorities. Every major decision has to go through a series of consultations. The fourth and final feature of democracy- A democratic government rules within limits set by constitutional law and citizens rights.
Examples are many where elections are held but by one way or the other, the people are denied the right to vote freely due to lack of free and fair elections and pressure tactics. The true democracy must have the following four features :
1. In a democracy, rulers elected by the people take all the main decisions and there is none above them to direct or guide.
2. In a democracy, elections are held regularly on the basis of universal adult franchise. These elections offer a fair opportunity to the people to change their present rulers.
3. In a democracy, all the people, without any distinction of caste, creed, colour of sex, are given this choice and opportunity on an equal basis.
4. In a democracy, the exercise of their choice of electing their rulers leads to a government limited by the rules of the Constitution and citizens’ rights.

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