Democratic Politics

Chapter : 2. Working Of Institutions

How is a Bill Passed in the Parliament ?

When can the Parliament legislate on the subject provided in the State list ?
The constitution has established a federation in India but still the Centre has made more powerful. In certain circumstances the Parliament can legislate on state matters.
1. If the Rajya Sabha or the Council of States by 2/3 majority passes a resolution that a particular subject mentioned in the state list has assumed a national importance then the Parliament can legislate on that Subject.
2. If the legislature of two or more states requests the Parliament, then it can make laws on that subject.
3. When a state of emergency is proclaimed in the country.
No-Confidence Motion :
In a Parliamentary set-up the Council of Ministers works till it enjoys the confidence of the Legislature. If a successful motion of no-confidence is passed in the Parliament, the Council of Ministers has to resign and if on the other hand, the majority votes against the motion, the Government survives. No-confidence motions are very important. Because when a debate is held on the no-confidence motion members discuss the general policies of the Government in detail and not the matter of a particular bill. In such a way much light is shed on different problems and the attitude of different parties towards them.

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