Democratic Politics

Chapter : 1. Democracy In The Contemporary World

How far is it True that if Every Country becomes Democratic the World would itself become Democratic ?

How far is it True that if Every Country becomes Democratic the World would itself become Democratic ?
Most of the authors do not agree with this view. They hold the opinion that expansion of democracy within nations has not led to greater democracy at the international level. They give the following arguments in support of their view
1. Whereas democracy has given solace to the people in the national level, but in the international level, it has failed to do so because the democratic spirit is not there.
2. The United Nations represents almost all the countries (now 193) of the world, but everything roams about the five permanent members of the Security Council i.e., USA, Russia, U.K., France and China. Any one of them can reject or stall any decision of the Security Council. It means the rest of the countries (193-5=188) are more or less like pawns in the hands of these five countries.
3. Take another example of the International Monetary Fund. Here too, the string is held by the G-8 countries (U.S.A., Russia, U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan) because they contribute most and they are weighted by how much they contribute to the International Monetary Fund.
4. Not only this, the President of the World Bank is always a citizen of U.S.A. nominated by the Treasury Secretary (or Finance Minister) of the U.S. Government. What more mockery of the international justice can be there ?
5. Take the case of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) which is a global institution where all decisions on their relations between different nations of the world have to be taken by consensus. But in actual practice, all decisions are taken in informal meetings which are kept secret and only few powerful countries are invited.
It is clear from the above discussion that whereas more and more nations are becoming democractic, the international organisations are becoming less democractic. But if the world has to become more democratic, equal participation of all the member nations should be ensured.

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