Democratic Politics

Chapter : 1. Democracy In The Contemporary World


Myanmar, formerly Burma, got its independence in 1948. It started its journey as a democratic country but soon in 1962, the democratic rule ended there when there was a military coup in that country.
The following examples/facts clearly prove that the army rule in Myanmar is undemocratic :
1. An elected government of Aung Sang Suk Kyi was toppled by the military rulers.
2. The elected pro-democracy leaders along with Aung Sang Kyi were put under house arrest.
3. Political activities were jailed for seven to fifteen years on very trivial offences.
4. Anyone caught expressing views against the military regime can be sentenced to prison upto twenty years.
5. As a result of the above coercive policies of the military regime of Myanmar between 6 to 10 lakh people were forced to leave their country and seek shelter elsewhere.
Nepal : In the 1990s, the king there gave up many of his powers and agreed to be guided by the elected representatives of the people. In 2005, the new king of Nepal dismissed the elected government and tried to take back all the freedoms that were given to the people by the old ruler in the previous decade. But since then, Nepal is under turmoil and the Maoists have turned against the new ruler. The king is thus under pressure to restore democracy in that country and act as a Constitutional monarch.

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