
Chapter : 6. Carbon and Its Compound

Differences between Diamond and Graphite

32. Differences between Diamond and Graphite
  Diamond Graphite
1. It is hardest substance known and its density is equal to 3.5 gram/ml Graphte is soft and slippery with the density of 2.3 gram/ml
2. Its crystals are Octahedral, colorless and transparent It is in a black colored, opeque and has hexagonal crystals.
3. In a dimond, each carbon atom is covalently bounded to four other carbon atoms along four corners of regular tetrahedron. This pattern extends in three dimensions. Diamond is hard due to strong covalent bonds present in it. In a Graphite, carbon atoms are bounded together in a flat layers by an strong covalent bonds in a regular haxagon. These layers are held together by much wealer van der Wall's forces, therefore the crystals of graphite soft and slippery.
4. Dimond is a non conductor of Electricity Graphite is a conductor of Electricity
5. The standard hear of formation ( ΔHf0 ) of diamond is 29 kL mol -1. It is themodynamically most stable. Its ΔHf0 = 0
  structure of Dimond structure of Graphite

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