Home Preparation for National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)/ Olympiad
Chapter : 1. Matter In Our Surrounding
Change of state of matter
Change of state of matter A substance may exist in any of the three states of matter (i.e. solid, liquid or gas) depending upon the conditions of temperature and pressure. By changing the conditions of temperature and pressure, a substance can be made to exist as solid, liquid or a gas. A solid on heating usually changes into a liquid which on further heating changes into gas. Similarly, a gas on cooling condenses into a liquid which on further cooling changes into a solid. The most familiar and common example is water. It exists in all the three states: (a) Solid : Ice (b) Liquid : Water and (c) Gas : Water Vapour Ice is a solid state and may be melted to form water (Liquid) which on further heating changes into steam (gas). These changes can also be reversed on cooling.