
Chapter : 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure

Separation by Centrifugation

Separation by filtration :
Separation by centrifugation : We can separate the suspended particles of a substance in a liquid very rapidly by using the method of centrifugation. Centrifugation is done by using a machine called centrifuge. Centrifugation is a method for separating the suspended particles of a substance from a liquid in which the mixture is rotated at a high speed in a centrifuge.
In the method of centrifugation, the mixture of fine suspended particles in a liquid is taken in a test-tube. The test-tube is placed in a centrifuge machine and rotated rapidly for some time. As the mixture rotates round rapidly, a force acts on the heavier suspended particles in it and brings them down to the bottom of the test-tube. The clear liquid, being lighter, remains on top
Example. We can separate the clay particles suspended in water very rapidly by the method of centrifugation. The suspension of clay particles in water is taken in a test tube and rotated very fast in a centrifuge machine. the clay particles settle down at the bottom of the test-tube and clear water remains at the top.
Separation by Evaporation :
Purification by crystallisation :
Separation by chromatography :
Separation by distillation :

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