
Chapter : 6. Reproduction

Human Female Reproductive System

Female Reproductive System :
The human female reproductive system consists of the following organs :

Ovaries are a pair of small and oval-shaped organs, located in the abdominal cavity near the kideny. Ovaries are the female primary reproductive organs which perform dual functions of production of female gamete or ovum and the secretion of female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
Fallopian Tube or Oviduct - are a pair of long convoluted tubes that carry ovun or eggs from the ovary to the uterus. The fallopian tube has a funnel-shaped opening near the ovary. These tubes from both the sides open into a muscular structure, the Uterus.
Uterus or womb - is a hollow, pear-shaped organ within which the embryo develops. Its upper portion is broader, while its lower portion is narrower, called cervix.
Vagina - The cervix opens into the vagina which is a tubular structure and also called ''birth canal''. or canal for menstrual flow. Vagina receives sperms from the male and also serves as the passage through which the fully developed foetus is born.

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