
Chapter : 3. Improvement In Food Resources

Disease Control

Disease Control
A wide variety of plant pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, exist in our environment.
Pest infect and cause serious diseases in our crops.
The diseases caused by these pathogens include blast in paddy (rice), rust in wheat, red rot in sugarcane.
Based on the mode of transmission, plant diseases are of following four types -
Seed Borne Diseases :
The diseases which spread through seeds are called seed borne diseases, e.g., loose smut of wheat, leaf spot of rice.
Soil Borne Diseases :
The soil borne diseases mostly affect roots and stems of crop plants, e.g., smut of bajra, tikka disease of groundnut.
Air Borne Diseases :
The air diseases attack all aerial parts of the plants like leaves, flowers and fruits. e.g., rust of wheat, blast of rice.
Water Borne Diseases :
The diseases which are transmitted through water are termed as water borne diseases. e.g., bacterial blight of rice.

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