Chapter : 3. Improvement In Food Resources
Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry is the management of animal livestock which includes various aspects such as animal's feeding, breeding & disease control. Good animal husbandary practices are needed to meet out the growing demand of milk, eggs, meat etc.
Cattle Farming :
Cattle faring is also called 'Cattle Husbandry'.
In our country cattle husbandry is done for two purposes for milk and drought labour for agricultural work.
The milk producing females are called milch animals.
Those used for farm labour are called drought animals.
Poultry :
Poultry provides the best source of animal protein and fats.
An egg laying poultry is called egger or layer and the poultry reared for obtaining meat is called chicken or broiler.
(i) Poultry Breeds :
Indigenous Breeds :
Aseel or Indian game bird is one of the indigenous breed of fowl. It is most popular breed of India and selected for poultry farming.
There occur only four popular varieties of Aseel, namely :
(a) Peela (golden red),
(b) Yakub (black and red)
(c) Nurie (white)
(d) Kajal (black)
(ii) Exotic Breeds :
Though there are present numerous exotic breeds of fowl, but the following two are most popularly used in India.
(a) White leghorn
(b) Rhode island red
(c) Cross breed
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