
Chapter : 3. Improvement In Food Resources

Crop Protection Management

Crop Protection Management
Crop protection management :
Field crops are affected by a large number of weeds, pestes disease which cause damage the crops & reduce their productivity.
Weeds :
Weeds are unwanted plants which complete with main crop for nutrition & reduce the growth of crop.
Examples of weeds : -
* Wild sorghum
* Chaulai
* Bathua
* Parthenium
Methods of weed control :
Mechanical methods
Chemical or use of weedicides
Pests :
Harmful creatures for our crop plants are small insects which attack the plants in three ways :
Insect Pest Control :
Based on the mode of attack, the insect pests are of following three types :
Chewing Insects :
They cut and chew root, stem and leaves of the plants with the help of their chewing type of mouth parts. e.g., grass hoppers, locusts, caterpillars, grubs etc.
Sucking Insects :
They suck the cell sap from different parts of the plants with the help of piercing and sucking mouth parts. eg. Aphids, leaf hoppers, plant bugs, etc.
Borer Insects :
They bore and enter different plant parts, and feed on the plant tissues eg. Sugarcane borer, pod borers, cotton ball weevil, grain weevils, etc.
Methods of Insect Pest Control :
The root cutting type of insects can be controlled by mixing insecticide in the soil.
The stem and leaf cutting and boring type of insects can be controlled by dusting or spraying the contact insecticides. eg., malathion, lindane.
The sap sucking insects can be controlled by spraying systemic insecticides.

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