Mitochondria : Introduction : • A single mitochondrion is present in unicellular green alga, Microsterias. Number of mitochondria varies from
50¬–50,000 per cell. Mitochondria of a cell are collectively known as
Historical Account : •
C. Benda (1897) gave the name Mitochondria (Mitos, thread + Chondrion, granules).
• Term ‘Bioplast’ for mitochondria was used by
Altman. Ultrastructure : • Mitochondria are rod shaped organelles, bounded by a double membrane envelope.
• The outer membrane is smooth, the inner membrane surrounds a central cavity of
matrix. Central cavity is filled with jel like substances
• Inner membranes folds are called cristae, these folding are tubular and called
• Mitochondria contain electron transport systems aggregated into compact structure.
F1 particles or oxysome, tennis racket like bodies on inner membrane involved in oxidation & phosphorylation.
• Kreb’s cycle occurs in mitochondria.
• Each particle is made up of base, stalk and head.
Functions of Mitochondria : • Mitochodria are called
power plants or
power houses or
cellular furnaces.
• Synthesis of ATP
(Adenosine Tri-phosphate) in mitochondria is called
oxidative phosphorylation.
• Mitochondria as place of cellular respiration was first observed by