Class - Amphibia : In evolutionary terms, amphibians form the first group among the chordates to live out of water and to comprise first four-legged (tetrapod) land vertebrates. They live on land but lay their eggs in water. Amphibians are vertebrates leading two lives.
These cold blooded animals live partly in fresh water and partly on land (moist places).
Skin is smooth or rough, moist, slimy, glandular and mostly without scales.
Heart 3 chambered.
Body with distinct head and trunk, no neck.
Two pairs of pentadactyl (five digit) limbs are present. Digits or toes without claws. Limbs may be absent in some cases.
Example : Ichthyophis, Amphiuma (congo ell), Salamandra, Ambystoma, Necturus, Rana (bull frog), Bufo (toad), Hyla (tree-frog).