Chapter : 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
The case of a liquid solute dissolved in a liquid solvent
The case of a liquid solute dissolved in a liquid solvent : In the case of a liquid solute dissolved in a liquid solvent : The concentration of a solution is defined as the volume of solute in millilitres present in 100 millilitres of the solution.
Ex. A 20 per cent solution of alcohol means that 20 millilitres of alcohol are present in 100 millilitres of solution.
Concentration of solution =
Solubility The maximum amount of a solute which can be dissolved in 1 litre of a solution at a specified temperature is known as the solubility of that solute in that solvent (at that temperature).
Effect of temperature and pressure on solubility The solubility of solids in liquids usually increases on increasing the temperature; and decreases on decreasing the temperature.
The solubility of solids in liquids remains unaffected by the changes in pressure.
The solubility of gases in liquids usually decreases on increasing the temperature; and increases on decreasing the temperature.
The solubility of gases in liquids increases on increasing the pressure; and decreases on decreasing the pressure.
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