Chapter : 6. Carbon and Its Compound
68. Hydrogenation : It is a process in which unsaturated compound reacts with hydrogen in presence of nickel as a catalyst to form saturated compound
69. Catalyst : It is a substance which increases the rate of reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change, e.g., Ni, Pt, V
5 are used as catalyst.
70. Substitution Reactions : Those reaction in which an atom or group of atoms of a compound is replaced by other atom or group of atoms are called substitution reaction.
Saturated hydrocarbons are less reactive and do not react with most reagents.
They react with halogens in presence of sunlight and undergo substitution reaction. The reaction is very fast. It is photochemical reaction because it takes place in presence of sunlight.
71. Test for Unsaturation : Add a few drops of bromine water to a test tube containing ethyne. Shake and observe.

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