51. Functional Group : It is atom or group of atoms or reactive part of compound which largely determines the chemical properties of compound, e.g., –OH(Alcohol), –CHO
(Carboxylic Acid), – X(Halogens) where X is Cl, Br, F, I.
52. Homologous Series : It is a series of compounds which are derived from same general formula, having same functional group, similar chemical properties and show gradation in physical properties. Each member differs from successive member by – CH
2 – . The difference in molecular weight between two successive members is 12 u.
53. Characteristic of Homologous Series : (i) They have same general formula.
(ii) They have same functional group
(iii) They have general methods of preparation.
(iv) They have similar chemical properties.
(v) They show gradation in physical properties like melting and boiling points increase with increase in molecular weight. For example boiling point of alcohols goes on increasing with increase in molecular weight.
(vi) Solubility in a particular solvent shows gradation with increase in molecular weight, e.g., solubility of alcohols in water goes on decreasing with increase in molecular weight.