Home Preparation for National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)/ Olympiad
Chapter : 5. Compounds of Common Use
2. Salts. Salts are also obtained by reaction of acid with base. Cation is derived from base anion is derived from acid. The salts derived from sodium hydroxide are called sodium salts. The salt derived from potassium hydroxide are called potassium salts. Calcium hydroxide gives calcium salts, magnesium hydroxide gives magnesium slats, copper hydroxide gives copper salts and so on. 3. Diplacement Reactions. Those reactions in which more reactive metal can displace less reactive metal from its salt solution. 4. Hydrogen Carbonates. Those salts which are obtained by replacement of one hydrogen of H2CO3 are called hydrogen carbonates or bicarbonates e.g., 5. Hydrogen Sulphates. Those salts which formed by replacement of one atom of hydrogen of sulphuric acid by metal ion are called hydrogen suphates e.g.