Home Preparation for National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)/ Olympiad
Chapter : 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
Separation by Distillation
Separation by filtration : Separation by centrifugation : Separation by Evaporation : Purification by crystallisation : Separation by chromatography : Separation by distillation : Distillation is the process of heating a liquid to form vapour, and then cooling the vapour to get back liquid. Distillation can be represented as : The liquid obtained by condensing the vapour is called ‘distillate’. When the homogeneous mixture of solid and a liquid is heated in a closed distillation flask, the liquid, being volatile, forms vapour. the vapours of liquid are passed through a ‘condenser’ where they get cooled and condense to form pure liquid. This pure liquid is collected in a separate vessel. The solid, being non-volatile, remains behind in the distillation flask. Example. Salt-solution can be separated into salt and water by distillation.