Chapter : 2. Magnetic Effect of Current
Inside the building
(B) Inside the building : It is a well known fact that inside the house, connections to all the devices are made in parallel, each having independent switch and fuse (if necessary). Thus, whenever some fault occurs in circuit of one particular device in one room, devices in other rooms do not suffer.
As shown in fig. connection to low power devices like bulb B and fan F are made with lines N and L only, putting switch in line L. For devices of more power and with whom the body remains in contact (like electric press or refrigerator), we use connections through a 3 pin plug–socket (show in fig. b) system.
A three pin plug P and three pin socket S are shown in diagram. The three points of the socket are connected to the three lines as shown in diagram. (fig. b) A fuse F is also introduced to avoid damage to the appliance.
The three pin plug uses a three wire cord which has three plastic wires inside a single rubber insulating cover. The wire are coloured red, black and green to serve an extension of live, neutral and earth wires for the appliance. The three wires are connected to the three holes in the socket as shown in diagram. When the plug is inserted in the socket, proper lines become connected to the appliance.
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