
Chapter : 2. People As Resources

How People Become Resources

Most of the developing and backward countries of the world are economically backward not because they lack sources but because they lack quality human resources. The force by which all kinds of productivity is achieved by the use of natural resources are called productive forces and human resource is the most important productive force.
Factors which improve the quality of Human :
1. Skill development : A skilled worker is one who has proper training and education to work in a particular field. Training and education increase the productivity of workers. Skill development also ensures continuous employability of a worker, it helps the worker to absorb the new technology and prepare him to compete with the labour force of the other developed countries.
2. Technology : It helps the humans to convert natural resources into more useful form. For example, coal and mineral oil present below the earth have no value until human have the technology to dug them and use them in various machines.
3. Education : Illiteracy is the single most important factor holding back economic development in developing countries. Education also widens the mental horizon of the people and gives them scientific attitude. Education also helps in the national harmony of a country.
4. Health : Health does not mean survival only. It concerns physical, mental, economic and social well-being of an individual as well. An investment in health not only improves the quality of life, but is also a part of human resource development, which in turn affects economic and social development of the country.
A wide range of activities are covered under health such as population control, family welfare prevention of food adulteration, drug control, immunizations and eradication of major communicable and non communicable diseases, as health concerns.

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