
Chapter : 5. Consumer Rights

Consumer Movements

Consumer Movements
The consumer movement arose out of dissatisfaction of the consumer as money unfair practices were being indulged in by the sellers. Before 80’s there was no legal system available to consumers to protect then from exploitation in the market place for a long time.
In India, the consumer movement as a ‘social force’ originated with the necessity of protecting and promoting the interest of consumer against unfair trade practices. Food shortage, hoarding, black marketing high prices gave birth to consumer movement in an organised form in the 1960s. More recently, India witnessed an upsurge in the number of consumer groups. This is because more & more cases of the consumer exploitation by the private sector. The activities of various consumer forms forced the government to enact the Consumer Protection Act 1986, popularly known as COPRA.
Main features of the Act.
1. The act applies to all goods and services.
2. It covers all the sectors whether public, private or Co-operative.

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