
Chapter : 1. The Story Of Village Palampur

Farming In Palampur

2. Is there a way one can grow more from the same land :
Ways to produce more from the same land :
All land is cultivated in Palampur. No land is left idle. During the rainy (Kharif) season, people grow jowar and bajra which are used as cattle feed. Between October to December they cultivate Potatoes. In the winter (or the Rabi) season they sow wheat. A part of the land area is also devoted to sugarcane which is harvested once every year. The main reasons why farmers are able to grow three different crops in a year are :
(i) As a result of the coming of electricity in the Palampur village, people have greatly improved the system of irrigation. They can now irrigate more lands quite effectively.
(ii) Tube wells were first installed by the government but soon people were able to set up their own tube wells.
(iii) By multiple cropping more than one crop is grown on a piece of land during the same year. All farmers in Palampur grow at least two main crops; many are growing potato as the third crop.
(iv) The other way is to use modern farming methods for higher yield. Higher yields are possible from a combination of HYV seeds, irrigation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc.
(A) Production from the same piece of land can be increased by using various modern techniques.
(B) To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during the year.
(C) Due to the uncertainty of monsoon use electric run tube wells to irrigated the field.
(D) Use of HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farming to increase production.
Green Revolution :
Large increase in crop yields, leading to record food production started, in our country from 1960 onwards and marked a turning point in Indian agriculture which has led to green revolution in our country. The great increase in the production of food-grain crops especially the wheat crop in our country during the last 30 years is called Green Revolution. This is because a sort of revolution has taken place in Indian agriculture leading to enormous food-grain production. The revolution is called green because it has led to unprecedented greenery of crops everywhere. The period from 1960 to 1980 is also called 'golden era' for the record food-grain production. It is because of the green revolution that our country has become self sufficient in food production and even buffer stocks of food-grains have been created for use in the times of natural calamities like drought and floods.

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