
Chapter : 3. Liflines of National Economy

About Communication System

There are basically two types of means of communication :
1. Personal communication.
2. Mass communication.
1. Personal communication :
1. Personal messages are exchanged.
2. These can be used by individual for his personal activity.
3. Telephone, Mobile, Postal services, post cards etc are the main sources of personal communication.
2. Mass communication :
1.One person can communicate with several people at the same time.
2. They can be used by the government to create awareness among the people about various national programmes.
3. Radio, T.V., Newspaper etc are the main source of mass communication.
Indian Postal System 1.It is the largest in theIndian Postal System world.
2. It handles parcles as well as personal written communication.
3. Cards and envelopes are considered first class mail and are airlifted between stations covering both land and air.
4. The second class mail includes the book packets, registered newspaper and periodicals.
5. Six mail channels have been introduced recently. They are called Rajdhani channel, Metro channel, Green Channel Business channel, Bulk mail channel and Periodical channel.
1. India has one of the largest Telecom network in Asia.
2. With the opening of Telecom sector to private investment this has become fast growing sector of Indian economy.
3. By the end of 2004-05, India was the 10th largest telecom network in the world measured in terms of number of phones.

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