
Chapter : 1. Minerals and Energy Resources


Electricity is generated mainly in two ways.
1. By running water which drives hydro turbines to generate hydro electricity.
2. By burning of other fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas to drives turbines to produce thermal power.
1. Hydro Electricity :
1. It is generated by fast flowing water.
2. It is a renewable resource of energy.
3. India has a number of multi purpose project like the Bhakra Nangala, Damodar Valley Corporation, the Kopili Hydel Power Project etc. producing hydro electricity.
4. These do not cause any pollution.
5. These should be near the sources of energy.
6. Seconds for abut 25% of the total electricity produced in India.
2. Thermal Power :
1. It is generated by coal, petroleum and natural gas.
2. These are exhaustible resources of energy.
3. These causes pollution.
4. These can be set at any place.
5. Out of total production 70% is by thermal.
3. Nuclear or Atomic Energy :
1. It is obtaining by altering the structure of atoms energy is released in the form of heat and this is used to generate electric power.
2. Uranium and Thorium, which are available in Jharkhand and the Aravali ranges of Rajasthan are used for nuclear power.
3. The monazite sand of Kerala is also rich in Thorium.
4. It has vast potential for future development.
5. It is very economical.

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