Large Intestine : It is much shorter & wider than small intestine & is differentiated into three regions viz;
Caecum - Caecum which is small rounded blind sac from which vermiform appendix arises;
Colon - Colon is the inverted U-shaped tube
Rectum - The rectum opens to exterior through anus.
No digestion takes place in large intestine, only absorption of water takes place.
In herbivores like horse, rabbit digestion of cellulose takes place in caecum.
Absorption : In the small intestine (ileum) absorption of all digested materials takes place.
Assimilation : It is the process of utilisation of absorbed food for various body functions. The absorbed nutrients are utilised to resynthesise complex molecules like carbohydrates, protein & fats inside the cells. Man cannot digest cellulose.
Egestion : It is the process of elimination of undigested food formed in the cells, or in the lumen of large intestine (colon & rectum) through the anus.
Voluntary cotraction of abdominal muscles help in egestion of faeces.