Educators are becoming skilled in computational thinking (CT) so they can guide easily in the world of development of educations. Everything is in this world now runs online as we already know how to understand the brain of the student so we can analysis by their thinking and brain activities as computational thinking. this is not only coding which comes in computer science but also it is spread around the world to activate their brain and skills.
In the world of competitions, all parents need their child to come on the top and make their child brighter from all.
Nowadays students are more expert by using the using their electronic items and work on it. There is some reason that students are eagerly for trying and want to learn something online by using the internet and they also find something new in every topic and make it real in their life. Those students who want to find the different answer because they don’t know or understand some tips so they search the new answer to that question and this makes the “boom of the internet in the world”.
This thinking makes students broad-minded and gave too much ability to think about their future and goals too. This all describes the method and move toward we draw on thinking that computer thinking that how the computer solves its problem and create the systems. We often draw on logical, reasoning, algorithms and pattern, more generalizations when thinking was computational. Computation is really mean calculating the thinks quickly.
Now the students are willing to do this computation on their own and they want to be quick by their talents and good capability power to understand the online courses such as PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS to develop desired goals in the computational thinking manner.
The way of travel around Computational Thinking (ECT) is a set of instruct plan, capture the videos , and other assets on computational thinking and to provide a understanding of learning and give the high priority for educators and administrators, and to support those who want to put together CT in on their classroom content, teaching practice, and learning.
This is for professor, an online course where you will learning what this thinking is and how it can be included into a variety of subject for students, be trained at your own quickness by determine instance of CT in a subject, research with pattern of CT-integrated actions, and generate a plan to integrate CT into your classroom and make the future bright of those students who have hope to study and don’t have teacher an educators for them.
This all can help you make your country and your world best education systems and make the students brain like a computer that how a computer can handle all the problems and give the best results at your services.