Latest Questions UpdateCategory: Computer and ITWhat is a constructor in object-oriented programming?
Rajiv Sharma asked 1 month ago

What is a constructor in object-oriented programming? Explain its types.

2 Answers
Education Desk Staff answered 4 weeks ago

In object-oriented programming, a constructor is a special method that is used to initialize objects of a class. It has the same name as the class and is automatically called when an instance of the class is created. Constructors can have parameters to accept values that are necessary for object initialization. The purpose of a constructor is to ensure that the object being created starts with valid and appropriate initial values for its attributes or properties. It allows you to set the initial state of an object, allocate necessary resources, and perform any necessary setup tasks.

Education Desk Staff answered 4 weeks ago

In object-oriented programming (OOP), a constructor is a special method that is automatically called when an object of a class is created. Its primary purpose is to initialize the object’s properties (or attributes) and set up any necessary resources or state. A constructor is typically used to assign initial values to the object’s data and perform any setup operations that are required before the object can be used.

Types of Constructors:

  1. Default Constructor:

    • A constructor that does not take any arguments and provides default values for the object’s attributes.
    • If no constructor is explicitly defined in a class, most programming languages will provide a default constructor implicitly.

      Example (in Python):

      class Car:

      def __init__(self):

      self.make = "Toyota"

      self.model = "Corolla"

      car1 = Car() # The default constructor is called.

  2. Parameterized Constructor:

    • A constructor that accepts one or more arguments to initialize the object with specific values at the time of its creation.

    Example (in Python):

    class Car:

    def __init__(self, make, model):

    self.make = make

    self.model = model

    car2 = Car("Honda", "Civic") # The parameterized constructor is called with arguments.

  3. Copy Constructor:

    • A constructor that creates a new object as a copy of an existing object. It typically takes an object of the same class as an argument.
    • Some languages, like C++, support copy constructors directly, while in others (like Python), this can be mimicked using specific methods.

      Example (in C++):

      class Car {


      string make;

      string model;

      Car(string m, string mo) : make(m), model(mo) {}

      // Copy Constructor

      Car(const Car &c) : make(c.make), model(c.model) {}


  4. Static Constructor (in some languages like C#):

    • A constructor that is used to initialize static members of a class. It is automatically called when the class is first used, before any objects of the class are instantiated.
    • Static constructors do not take parameters and cannot be called explicitly.

      Example (in C#):

      class Car {

      public static int count;

      static Car() {

      count = 0; // Static constructor to initialize static fields.



      Key Points:

    • Default Constructor: No parameters; assigns default values.
    • Parameterized Constructor: Takes parameters to assign specific values.
    • Copy Constructor: Initializes a new object as a copy of an existing one.
    • Static Constructor: Used to initialize static members and is called automatically.

      The behavior of constructors may vary slightly between programming languages, but they generally serve the same purpose of initializing objects when they are created.