Chapter : 3. Work and Energy
A swinging simple pendulum is an example of conservation of energy
A swinging simple pendulum is an example of conservation of energy :This is because a swinging simple pendulum is a body whose energy can either be potential or kinetic, or a mixture of potential and kinetic, but its total energy at any instant of time remains the same.
When the pendulum bob is at position B, it has only potential energy (but no kinetic energy).
As the bob starts moving down from position B to position A, its potential energy goes on decreasing but its kinetic energy goes on increasing.
When the bob reaches the centre position A, it has only kinetic energy (but no potential energy).
As the bob goes from position A towards position C, its kinetic energy goes on decreasing but its potential energy goes on increasing.
On reaching the extreme position C, the bob stops for a very small instant of time. So at position C, the bob has only potential energy (but no kinetic energy).
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