
Chapter : 1. Forest Society and Colonialism

Effects Of Forestry On Villagers

Since people live in different circumstances and have different needs so their expectations from the forests are also different. The changes in the system of forestry also affected them differently.
1. It brought about alternations in the vocations related to the forests like cultivation, hunting, logging, firewood gathering etc. The areas closely situated to the forests were the most affected. These included the nearby villages.
2. The areas closely situated to the forests were the most affected. These included the nearby villages, pastoral groups and the tribal areas.
3. The rural areas close to the forests were the main consumers of forest product. But with increase in the means of more efficient and quicker transports even the perishable forest products could find their way to the far off cities.
4. Forest yields like fruits and edible roots (tubers), tendu leaves, semur and mahua etc. for making different utility items like bidis, oil for cooking and lighting. herbs and wooden tools all can be had from the forests. These formed the mainstay of villages and settlements around them who literally subsisted on them.
5. The daily life of several groups of people mostly tribals was totally dependent on the forest produce. But with the enactment of laws protecting the forests, these people were the worst sufferers.
6. Now firewood collection, cattle grazing, hunting and other routine activities were declared illegal. This made the forest inhabitants thieves in their own land as they were bound to undertake activities which were perfectly natural for them.
7. It was common for policeman & forest guards to harass people by demanding bribes.

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