
Chapter : 3. Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler

Causes Of The Rise Of Nazi Dictatorship In Germany Or The Crisis In Germany

1. Political Instability in Germany : Under the Weimar Republic, there existed political instability. Between 1919-1933 A.D., as many as 21 coalition governments were formed and fell. Policies changed frequently. Democracy failed to give any relief to the people. Hitler promised a stable and strong government. He won the support of the people.
2. Reaction to the humiliating Treaty of Versailles :
The Treaty of Versailles imposed very humiliating terms on Germany, like paying huge war penalties to the victors, ceding chunks of German territory to them including her over-seas colonies and disbanding German armies. The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the officers of the German Democratic Republic in Paris in 1919 A.D. The people began to look upon the Weimar Republic as a symbol of national disgrace and an act of betrayal of the German people.
3. The Economic Disaster : Unemployment, inflation, price-rise, ruin of German trade and industry, coupled with general world depression created economic disaster of the worst order in Germany. Hitler blamed the democratic government for the plight of the masses. Hitler promised relief to the people on the economic front and he won their confidence.
4. Threat of Communism : The Communists in Germany tried to stage a revolution on the pattern of the Soviet Revolution of 1917 A.D. Thus the German Capitalists extended full support to Hitler’s Nazi party as the party was against socialism.
5. Hitler’s Dynamic Personality : Hitler had a dynamic personality. He was influential and charming He was a great organizer, an excellent orator and a tireless worker. His logic was convincing and his appeals touched the reasons and the emotions of the people.

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