Chapter : 3. Constitution Design
9. Fundamental Rights of the Citizens : Like the Constitution of the U.S.A., the Indian constitution has guaranteed several Fundamental Rights to all its citizens. Among these rights the most important are those of Equality, Liberty, Freedom of Religion. Cultural and Educational Rights, right against Exploitation and Right to Constitutional Remedies, etc. These rights are inviolable and are binding both on the Legislature and the Executive.
10. Supreme Court as the Guardian : The Constitution has established the Supreme Court as the Guardian of the citizen’s rights. It can declare as null and void any law passed by the legislature or the executive if it violets any of the Fundamental Rights guaranteed to the citizens by the Constitution. Again the Supreme Court settles the dispute arising between the Centre and the States or between two states.
11. Single Citizenship : Although India is a federation, its citizens have not been provided with double citizenship (one for the Federal Government and the other for the State Government) as in the case of U.S.A. All Indians irrespective of their domicile enjoy one citizenship. They are first Indians and then anything else (i.e., the Punjabis, Bengalis or the Tamilians, etc.).
12. Official Language : For a vast country like India, it is quite necessary to declare some common language as the national language of India. It is quite necessary for the sake of unity and nationalism. So the Constitution has declared Hindi in the Devanagri script as the official language of India. As it is not so easy to replace English, 15 years (upto 1965) had been provided for this switch-over from English to Hindi. This period has already been elapsed, yet this switch over has not been possible due to various reasons.
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