
Chapter : 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure

Separation by a separating funnel

(ii) Separation by a separating funnel :
A mixture of two immiscible liquids can be separated by using a separating funnel. A separating funnel is a special type of funnel which has a stop-cock in its stem to allow the flow of a liquid from it, or to stop the flow of liquid from it. The separation of two immiscible liquids by a separating funnel depends on the difference in their densities.
The mixture of two immiscible liquids is put in a separating funnel and allowed to stand for some time. The mixture separates into two layers according to the densities of the liquids in it. The heavier liquid or denser liquid forms the lower layer whereas the lighter liquid forms the upper layer. On opening the stop-cock of separating funnel, the lower layer of heavier liquid comes out first and collected in a beaker. When the lower layer of heavier liquid has completely run off, the stop-cock is closed. The lighter liquid in the upper layer is collected in a separate beaker by opening the stop-cock again.
Example. Water and kerosene oil are two immiscible liquids. So, a mixture of water and kerosene can be separated by using a separating funnel.

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