
Chapter : 3. Atoms & Molecules

Modern symbols of elements

IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) approves names of elements. The symbols of elements are generally either the first letter or the first two letters or the first and the third letters of the name of the elements. The symbols of the following elements are the first letter of the name of that elements.
Element Symbol
Hydrogen H
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Phosphorus P
Sulphur S
Iodine I

Some symbols derived from the first two letters of the names of the elements.

Element Symbol
Aluminium Al
Barium Ba
Lithium Li
Beryllium Be
Neon Ne
Silicon Si
Argon Ar
Calcium Ca
Nickel Ni

Some symbols derived from the first and the third letters of the names of the elements

Element Symbol
Arsenic As
Magnesium Mg
Chlorine Cl
Chromium Cr
Manganese Mn
Zinc Zn
Rubidium Rb

Some symbols derived from the latin names of the elements are given below

Element Latin Name Symbol
Iron Ferrum Fe
Gold Aurum Au
Copper Cuprum Cu
Potassium Kalium K
Sodium Natrium Na
Silver Argentum Ag
Mercury Hydragyrum Hg
Tin Stannum Sn
Lead Plumbum Pb
Antinomy Stibium Sb

It is important to note that the first letter of every chemical symbol is capital letter but, if the symbol consists of two letters, the second letter is not capital letter.
Example.Symbol for aluminum is Al and not AL, Symbol for lead is Pb and not PB
Significance of the symbol of an element
Symbol represents name of the element.
Symbol represents one atom of the element.
Symbol also represents one mole of atoms of the element. That is, symbol also represents 6.022 × 1023 atoms of the elements.
Symbol represents a definite mass of the element (equal to atomic mass expressed in grams).

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