Chapter : 6. Carbon and Its Compound
Double Covalent Bond
17. Double Covalent Bond: When two atoms share two electrons each to acquire stable electronic configuration, double covalent bond is formed. It is denoted by = (two lines)
18. Oxygen Molecule : When two oxygen atoms share two electrons each to complete their octet, double covalent bond is formed.
(A double covalent bond between two oxygen atoms)
19. Ethene (C2H4) : When two carbon atoms share two electrons with each other and each ‘C’ shares two electrons with two hydrogen atoms, they complete their octet and form double covalent bond between two carbon atoms.
23. Ethane(C2H6): In the ethane, two carbon atoms share one electron each forming single covalent bond with each other. Each carbon shares one electron with three hydrogen atoms to complete their octet, e.g.,

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