
Chapter : 4. Diversity In Living Organism

Class - Mammalia

Class - Mammalia :
Mammals are primarily terrestrial vertebrates. They occur in all sorts of habitats from the polar regions to the tropics.
The body is variously shaped and generally divisble into head, neck, trunk and tail.
The skin is glandular and mostly covered by a horny epidermal exoskeleton of hair.
There are two pairs of pentadactyl limbs. These are variously adapted for various purposes.
Respiration occurs only by lungs.
The heart is four chambered, having two auricles and two ventricles.
Sexs are usually distinguishable externally.
Mammals are mostly viviparous (alive-bearing). However, some are oviparous and lay eggs (e.g., platypus and echidna. Kangaroos give brith to very poorly developed young ones). They are characterized by having milk-secreting mammary glands in the females for sucking the young for some time after birth.
Examples : Macropus (Kangaroo), Bat, Ratuus (rat), Oryctolagus (rabit), Felis (cat), Panthera (lion, tiger, leopard), Canis (dog) Elephas (elephant), Balaena (whale), Macaca (monkey), Hamo (man), Pan (chimpanzee)

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