Education In Sri Lanka

Education in Sri Lanka has a long history that dates back two millennia. The Constitution of Sri Lanka provides for education as a fundamental right. Sri Lanka's population had an adult literacy rate of 92.63% in 2015, which is above average by world and regional standards.[note 1] Education plays a major part in the life and culture of the country and dates back to 543 BC.

Primary Education

School education in Sri Lanka is compulsory through to age 14, when students may disengage in favor of an apprenticeship or job. The first 5 years are spent in primary school. At the end of this there is an optional scholarship examination that may permit access to a superior grade of school.

Middle Education

Four years of middle school follow to complete the compulsory education phase. The curriculum comprises pre-determined academic subjects with little or no choice allowed.

Secondary Education

School education in Sri Lanka is compulsory through to age 14, when students may disengage in favor of an apprenticeship or job. The first 5 years are spent in primary school. At the end of this there is an optional scholarship examination that may permit access to a superior grade of school.Grades 10 and 11 prepare secondary school students who wish to attempt their GCE O-Levels. However they must continue at collegiate levels for a similar period, and complete their A-Levels too, if they wish to subsequently enter university to study further.

Vocational Education

The state provides a number of vocational and technical training centers, and programs for apprenticeship training too. These take place within a system of seven levels of qualifications, of which the upper one is rated equivalent to degree level.

Tertiary Education

There are a variety of tertiary academic institutions where programs may be followed that range from one-year certificates through to doctorates. The most venerable of these is the University of Colombo, which is also the largest institution on the island and is illustrated here. It was established in 1921 in affiliation with the University of London. Today its students study in independent faculties that include medicine, science, law, education, arts, management & finance, graduate studies, and computing.

Universities In Sri Lanka

Institute for Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences in Colombo
University of Colombo in Colombo
University of Moratuwa in Moratuwa
4 University of Peradeniya in Peradeniya
5 University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Kelaniya
6 Open University of Sri Lanka in Nugegoda
7 University of Ruhuna in Dondra
8 University of Jaffna in Jaffna
9 Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology in Colombobr
10 Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in Balangoda

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