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This Module covers Electricity, Magnetic Effect of Current, Motion, Light Reflection & Refraction, Human Eye, Energy Sources, Motion, Force & Laws of Motion, Work and Energy Resources, Gravitation, Sound and waves, & many more . . .
This Module covers Metals & Non-Metals, Introduction of Bonding, Chemical Reactions, Acid Bases & Salts, Carbon Compound, Periodic Classification, Matter, Molecules, Atoms and Molecules, Structure of Atoms, & many more . . .
This Module covers Nutrition, Respiration, Transportation, Excretion, Control & Coordination, Reproduction, Environment, Heredity & Evolution, Cell, Tissue, Food Resources, Human Disease, Natural Resources & many more .
This Module covers Real Numbers, Linear Equation, Trigonometry, Similar Triangles, Statistics, Polynomials, Quadrilaterals, Herons Formula, Lines & Angles, Probability, Circle, Construction, Area & Volumes and many more …
This Module covers Resource & Development, Minerals & Energy Resources, Manufacturing Industries, National Economy, Agriculture, Features of India, Drainage, Climate, Natural Vegetation & Wild Life, Population, & many more . . .
This Module covers the Modern World, Industrialisation, Work-life and Leisure, Print Culture, Novels, Society & History, Nationalism in Europe, Moment of India-China, Nationalism in India, French Revolution and many more …
This Module covers Consumer Rights, Globalisation and the Indian Economy, Money and Credit, Development, Sectors of The Indian Economy, The Story of Village Palampur, Poverty As Challenge, Food Security in India & many more . . .
This Module covers Constitutional Design, What is & Why Democracy, Constitution, Electoral Politics, Democratic Rights, Power Sharing, Federalism, Democracy & Diversity, Gender, Religion and Caste, Political Parties, & many more . . .
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Questions & Answers
These are very important questions related to competitive exams and state-board related exams.
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